How to make WinMx the most powerful file sharing program ever: All you have to do is have the Windows Task Manager setup to run WinMx whenever the system is idle. Just click start, programs, accessories, system tools, then scheduled tasks. Then Click add new task find WinMx in the list of programs and then click ok. You might have to give it a set day and time to run at first. Then you go back to the advanced properties and change the schedule time to “when idle”. Set the idle time to however long you like (I have mine set to 10 min.) Make sure the “stop task after it has been running for x amount of time” is unchecked and check “Wake computer to run this task”. If you set you Pc up this way you will be able to get any file that you could ever want. Just think, WinMx will start up while you sleep and continue to search and download the files that you were looking for the last time you used it. And at the same time you are sharing your files with everyone else. It helps you and helps the cause. When you get up in the A.M. or when you get home from work you will find a surprise when WinMx has found and downloaded all the files that you were looking for the day before. This will also allow you to get the most out of your internet connection. Use it 24 hours a day. Put it to good use when you are away from you PC. You must also leave you PC on at all times, which is better for it too.